Family Membership

Family Membership

from $45.00

Dues are payable annually, expiring December 31 of each year.

We have implemented a $10 charge for receiving a current rulebook to reduce overall waste. You can access our online version at for free. This charge does not apply to board members or judges.

Our family membership is inclusive of two adults (18 years and older) and all juniors (17 years and younger) living in the same residence. When ordering a family membership, please ensure that you provide the required information for each additional member in the extra boxes on the order form.

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Allow 2-3 weeks for your membership to arrive.

If you would like to pay with a check or just prefer to mail in your membership, click below.

Voting Membership

Voting Membership

from $30.00
Recurring Voting Membership

Recurring Voting Membership

from $30.00 every 12 months
Junior Membership

Junior Membership

from $15.00
Lifetime Membership

Lifetime Membership
