Mules & Donkey Articles

My Favorite Mule is a Hinny!

By Dr.Amy K. McLean, Dr. Mel Yokoyama, and Dr. Sue Hengemuehle

The Great World of Showing Mules

By Dr. Amy K. McLean

Blue Ribbons

By Amy K. McLean

Amy McLean's Trip to Mali

By Amy McLean

Invisible Helpers

          By Dr Delphine Valette

Case Reports of Donkeys and Horses Burned on the Valparaiso Fire, Chile

           By Lohse J, Pierpaolo P, Cabello R, Escuela de Ciencias, Andres Bello


The Mediterranean Peace Donkey

           Curator: Rev. Paul-Gordon Chandler 

Caught In The Middle

           By Girija Duggal


 Advances in Donkey and Mule Research

Edited by Ana Martins-Bessa and Amy McLean

The AMA thanks all of the Doctors, Veterinarians & researchers who help us understand the Mule & Donkey a little better.

If you have any info to give let us know.

Do you have a mule or donkey question.