August 26, 2023

American Mule Meeting August 26^LJ 2023 updated version



Board of Directors Meeting August 26, 2023

Cal Poly Stallion Barn

1 Grand Avenue San Luis Obispo. CA 93405


Meeting called by: President Casie Fairbanks Note Taker: Secretary Jody Lowrey

Facilitator: Cal Poly Stallion Barn

Attendees: Board Members, Officers, Members and Guests Call Meeting to order and flag salute:

Time: 10:20am

Roll Call: Joy Valcheck, Sue Wallace, Kellie Shields, Jeanne Raede, JoDe Collins, Rebecca Raede, Devrie Montgomery, Casie Fairbanks, Jody Lowrey, Michele Chico, Becky Santucci, Barbara Schuyler, Erin Kight, Lou Jacobsen, Maggie Moore, Chris Lowrey, Michelle Kern and Amy Mclean.

Absent: Joe Gonzalez absent due to work obligations. Maggie Moore makes a motion to excuse the absence. Second by Joy Valcheck. Also, second by Michele Chico. Motion passed.

Emily Berman absent due to having to work. Jeanne Raede makes a motion to excuse the absence. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Rebecca Raede is only able to attend the meeting after school. School is from 10:00-12:00, so after 12:00 she will be able to attend the meeting. Maggie Moore makes a motion to excuse the absence. Second by Devrie Montgomery. Motion passed.

Michele Chico and Erin Kight leaving the meeting at 1:30pm.

Read Minutes of last meeting: Jody Lowrey, Secretary Motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting by Maggie Moore. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Secretary Report & Correspondence: Jody Lowrey, Secretary Shirley Brink sent a thank you card for flowers that were sent to her.

Also spoke with a Kendra from Colorado regarding there company taking over for Bishop Mule Days. Asked if Maggie could call her, her number is 303-956-2885. Amy McLean brought up regarding her lawsuit with Bishop that the AMA should hold off sanctioning the show until the lawsuit is complete so that the lawsuit will not also involve the AMA. If the AMA is not supportive of this, it could open up a can of worms and the AMA could also be liable. This will be discussed under new business. Motion to accept the report by Kellie Shields. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report: Michele Chico, Treasurer

Profit/loss and balance sheet sent to everyone. Gross profit was $23, 572.03 and total expenses were

$28,320.29 so negative $4748.26, but in bookkeeping this is a profit. Balance numbers to be sent via

chat. Western States has the assessment check of $860.00. Michele did get Bear Valley check of

$538.00. Kathy did send back the check for youth for her second show since she had no youth. Casie does have the assessment check from Kellie’s show for $860.00 and Casie will deposit that check.

Michele asked if Kellie’s show was single or double judged. Was told that trail and driving was doubled judged. As of July 31, 2023, checking was 33,449.54. Will follow up on checks sent for the research project and will hand deliver check to Amy McLean. Motion to accept the report by Joy Valcheck.

Second by Kellie Shields. Motion passed.

Executive Report: Maggie Moore, Vice President

No report.

Old Business-Reports

Performance & Judges Report: Maggie Moore, Chairperson There have been 7 shows and points have been tabulated for all the show managers being so prompt in getting the results in. The last several shows have shown an increase in youth, but at least half are not AMA members. The bridles classes are much larger than in the past several years, but the green classes are very small, and some shows have had no green exhibitors. Amateur and Non-Pro have had good numbers at all the shows.

JoDe took care of the first couple of shows and Maggie the May Blossom Trail, the WSMDS, BVS and the Classic in Winnemucca. Managers have been easy to work with and hopefully it will continue that way. A question was asked if we have a committee that goes through the approval process for judges and the answer is no. The application process is completed and if there are any problems or questions it is then discussed. We have one new approved judge, Rochelle Scobie from Paso Robles, who will be judging at Kathy’s fall show. But we also have several more applicants including Bethany White from the east.

Maggie has revised the application paperwork and the judge’s test to reflect our current rule book. Motion to accept the report by Jeanne Raede. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Youth Scholarship: Emily Berman, Chairperson

No report.

Membership: Lou Jacobsen, Chairperson

Total Membership is 183. Since last meeting 49 new members, 5 family, the rest single, 2 youth and 12 out of state. We have 4 youth total. Brought in $1485. Spent $39.30 postage, $43.48 supplies for a total of $82.78. Erin is unable to take over membership at this time. Maggie and Chris will talk about this under new business. Motion to accept the report by Kellie Shields. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Registration & Transfers: Jody Lowrey, Chairperson

Took in a total of $740.00. We had 3 mule transfers, 16 mule registrations, 3 donkey registrations and three memberships. Motion to accept the report by Kellie Shields. Second by Deverie Montgomery. Motion passed.

Points Committee: Maggie Moore, Chairperson

There have been 7 shows and points have been tabulated for all the show managers being so prompt in getting the results in. The last several shows have shown an increase in youth, but at least half are not AMA members. The bridles classes are much larger than in the past several years, but the green classes are very small and some shows have had no green exhibitors. Amateur and Non-Pro have had good

numbers at all the shows. Mariah Keuler is not a member and most of the kids she brings to the shows are not members but collecting the scholarship funds for youth classes for her kids. Motion to accept report by Joy Valcheck. Second by Devrie Montgomery. Motion passed.

Newsletter Report: Lou Jacobsen, Casie Fairbanks, Emily Berman, Chairpersons We need to get the bios in the newsletter for the Board Members that are running again and current Board Members if we can get information to Lou also so that members know a little more about us. Will check to see who wants to run for the Board for this next election. Motion to accept the report by Joy Valcheck. Second by Maggie Moore. Motion passed.

Leva/SSA: Casie Fairbanks/Maggie Moore, Chairpersons Will need to get the hours in by November 30, 2023, we can turn this in all at once. Time period for hours is from December 1 to end of November. Motion passed by Joy Valcheck. Second by Jeanne Raede. Motion passed.

Teamster Committee: Barbara Schuyler/Emily Berman, Chairperson No report.

Packing Committee: Joe Gonzalez, Chairperson

So far this year the show in Sanger has been the only AMA packing classes, there was a good showing, and the collegiate teams were there to get some practice in before Bishop. Doubled judged at Sanger. At Bishop, two of our AMA members coached collegiate teams: Lou Jacobsen was coaching Cal Poly and Loni Montgomery was coach for Reedley. Well done for keeping this tradition alive.

I am retiring from the board after 30+ years of service, but happy to keep my position as Packing Chair and Cattle Chair if needed. Motion to accept the report by Joy Valcheck. Second by Maggie Moore. Motion passed.

Awards Committee: Kellie Shields, Sue Wallace and Rebecca Raede, Chairperson Report was emailed out this morning. I did not get the report. Not sure how many saddles will be awarded this year, but there will be an All Around and will see when we get closer to the end of the season. Had an excess of over a $1000.00 last year from the awards, so we will talk about the budget under new business. Last year on awards we spent approximately $18,300. We did have a buckle left over from last year so will just need to change the name. We awarded 30 buckles and 38 buckles for 2022.

Motion to accept report by Maggie Moore. Second by Joy Valcheck.

Rule Change Committee: Casie Fairbanks/Lou Jacobsen/Jeanne Raede and Maggie Moore No report. New Business

Election Committee: Brian Morris, Chairperson

No report. Will check with current Board members that are up for re-election will be asked if they want to run again. Jessica will not be helping with the election. Brian has employees that will help him count.

Cattle Committee: Joe Gonzalez, Chairperson

Jessica Bishop provided some really nice stock for Penning, Sorting and Team Roping at Gold Country show. This was the only show that offered AMA Cattle classes. There was a shift to mostly women competitors in this division, it was nice seeing them out there. Would be happy to keep my position as Cattle Chair. Motion to accept the report by Jeanne Raede. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Banquet Committee: Sue Wallace. Michele Chico and Barbara Schuyler, Chairpersons We will be having the banquet February 24, 2024 in Modesto at the Double Tree. Dinners will be $65.00 and there will be beef and chicken, buffet style. We also will have a bar with one free drink token with each paid dinner. We are working on getting historical pictures for a slide show. We will not need to pay for the meeting room and banquet room. Will talk about the centerpieces under new business. We will get the information for the Awards Banquet in the newsletter, Facebook and on our website. Motion to accept the report by Kellie Shields. Second by Joy Valcheck. Motion passed.

Promotions & Website: Emily Berman, Michele Chico & Chris Lowrey No report.

Historical Committee: Lou Jacobsen and JoDe Collins, Chairperson No report.

Break 11:38-12:34 NEW BUSINESS:

Michele Chico brought up that the CPA after the recent audit informed her that the monies owed for supplies or awards that the payment must directly go to the vendor and treasurer needs copies of all receipts from all transactions from here forward.

Electronic Ballots: Chris Lowrey will work on getting the ballots online and to be able to also vote online. Hopefully this will help with getting more members to vote and members that do not get to vote on time, they will be able to do it online. Chris will also get a link on Facebook.

Discussion regarding cost for sending printed rulebooks out to members: Rulebook is online now. Members could print the rule book instead of having it mailed to the them which would really help with the cost of printing and mailing. We currently spend about $1500 now to print and mail. We can add an additional $10 for members that the rule book sent to them and if they want to print it off the website, Chris will fix this so that they can print the book, right now it is set up to just print one page at a time.

Joy Valcheck makes a motion to have an option on membership form that there will be a $10.00 fee for members that what a printed rule book. Michele Chico and Jeanne Raede second the motion. Motion passed. Chris Lowrey will make sure this is on the membership forms. Judges will get the book after they pay for the $10.00 judge’s card. Board Members will also get a copy of the book.

Youth Sponsorship: There are youths using the sponsorship that are not members and donkeys/mules not registered with the AMA. After discussing this issue Becky Santucci makes a motion to qualify for the youth sponsorship, they must be a current member, the donkey/mule must be registered, and the owner of the animal must also be a current member. Second by Kellie Shields. Motion passed.

Awards Budget: The assessments from our shows this year is Blossom has not been received by Michele yet, guessing about $1000 for the first show and about $300 from the second show. Lincoln’s first show should be around $1100. Western States show was $860, and Bear Valley was $538. We still have another Lincoln show, the Winnemucca show and also the 3rd Blossom show. Michele will follow

up on the checks from Kathy, Maggie mailed to her. With the monies from the banquet and the auction along with the assessments it should be around $6500. Maggie Moore makes a motion to have the same amount of $13,000 for the awards as last year. Kellie Shields seconds. Motion passed.

Sue Wallace banquet chairperson is asking for monies for setting up for the Historic ideas for the banquet and advertising. Casie makes a motion for a $500 budget for promotions and advertisement for the banquet to be allocated as the chairwoman sees fit. Joy Valcheck seconds the motion. Motion passed. Sue will send receipts to Michele for reimbursement.

Bishop: Discussion about sanctioning Bishop next year for 2024. Amy McLean is asking the Board to hold off on sanctioning until her lawsuit is settled. If we approve the AMA could be involved with the lawsuit. The lawyers state that they could hold the AMA responsible for breech of contract. Amy has consulted with 8 lawyers, and they all agreed that they should also go after the AMA. Amy states that once this is done and even if it does not go her way she will be done with the case. Amy encourages us not to sanction Bishop until the lawsuit is done. Lou also mentions that this could possibly be out of Amy’s hands at a point and the AMA could be sued and each Board Member could be held responsible. There has been no conversation as of this date about sanctioning the show with Bishop. JoDe Collins states the letter that was sent to them in 2023 about not sanctioning the 2023 Bishop Mule Days show and would address at a later date about the status for the 2024 Bishop Mule Days show. Bishop did make an effort to make changes and we should be bigger people and discuss with them how we are going to move forward. Maggie feels that they should reach out to us about sanctioning for 2024.

Consensus is that we wait for the lawsuit to be decided on, we don’t want them to have the AMA responsible or Board Members. As a group today we should decide how we are going to move forward. As an association we need to be the bigger people, for the industry and members and others that are wondering how the AMA is going to decide on Bishop Mule Days for 2024. We really need to represent ourselves professionally. Also brought up by JoDe that this is now and if they something that they want to use against the AMA it does not matter how we move forward at this time. At this time, we are going to table how we are going forward with Bishop Mule Days.

Amy Mclean did update us on the metabolic study that we did sponsor, unfortunately there was a lot of talk going on so missed a lot of what Amy was saying. They did get almost 300 samples for the study and it is moving along.

Rule Changes: 2024-2026 AMA Rule book

Existing rule: Pages 33-38 Section 51 Letter A 2,4,25,35,36,37 and 38 Additions to approved class lists:

1,7, 25,34 Add: Disciplined Rail to Western Division Bridled, Green, Donkey, Amateur and Youth. 2 Add: Ranch Trail, ranch conformation, cattle boxing. Added to Ranch Division

4 Add: Hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, mulemanship, western equitation, ranch reining, youth halter, disciplined rail and “any class from the adult divisions not involving farm equipment or showing a jack maybe added to youth classes by show management.

8 ADD: Ranch trail, Ranch Conformation and Cattle boxing. Added to Ranch Division

  1. ADD: Hunter Under Saddle, English Equitation, Intro level Dressage English or Western, Ranch Trail, Ranch Reining, Ranch Conformation, Halter, Hunt Seat Equitation, Western Equitation, Mulemanship, Non-Pro Division.

  2. ADD: Ranch Pleasure, Ranch Trail, English Pleasure, English Equitation, Youth halter, Hunt Seat Equitation, Ranch Confirmation and to 10 and under walk/jog.

  3. ADD: Ranch Trail, Ranch Riding, Ranch Reining and pre-green division. Rule changes passed.

    Existing Rule Page 41 Section 103A also page 42 106b

    1. Green mules may be shown in regulation snaffle or rawhide bosal/hackamore only.

New: Green Mules may be shown in regulation snaffle or rawhide or leather bosal/hackamore only.

If mule is over 4 years old, he/she may be ridden in a legal shanked bit with rider using one hand on split or romal reins as is legal:

E1 Delete

E2 Moves to E1 E3 Delete

Rule passes with 6 for change 5 against.

Existing rule page 24, section 4 D

Any real or artificial hair, weights, etc. added to tail will not be permitted. New: Any artificial hair or weights added to tail will not be permitted.

Will leave existing rule as is. Not Passed

Existing rule page 126 section 310 General Rules Hunter/Jumper

Addition: For a period of two years (show season) mules designated as “Bridled mules” will be allowed to show at GREEN level in all Hunter/Jumper division classes, if the mule has never been shown over courses in Hunter/Jumper classes. Hunter Hack does not count. Green level jumping mules may be shown in regulation snaffles with or without a curb chain, kimberwicke or pelham type bridles.

Goal is to have a safe introductory system for over fence classes and to rejuvenate show numbers in this division. Many mules are not started jumping early in their career and over-facing them with higher heights is daunting and /or unsafe for riders and mules.

After discussion we are tabling the proposed change and will readdress after making changes that were discussed and will look at the rule change at that time and take a vote.

Existing Rule page 44 Section 201 D Animals will walk and trot on the line.

Add: Animals not demonstrating the ability to trot in hand when asked shall not place above other animals who did not trot for the judge(s).


Existing page 24 Section 5 D

New Add: No mule or donkey shall be rapidly and/or repeatedly trotted, loped or galloped in parking areas or human use areas not deemed safe for riding by management. Any exhibitor ignoring requests to stop by management or AMA show representative shall face disqualification from the show or other disciplinary action.

Not passed this should be addressed by the management of the grounds. This is a general rule.

Existing rule page 38 Section 51: Rule currently reads: Pre-Green eligibility is 1 year only. The second year of showing for that animal will be on our Green division (includes lope/canter).

Standard rules apply for the judging guidelines, please refer to appropriate class in Green division. Proposed Change: Change the name of the Pre-Green Division to “Non-judged walk\jog pre-show division” “Non-judged division eligibility is 1 year only. Any classes shown other than walk/jog at any judged class or show will result in the start of Green Year status. This will allow for new mules to come to a show and practice in an arena during a show, but it will not conflict with the Green Mule definition

such as that definition at Bishop Mules Days, et. Al. Standard rules do not apply for this division, as it is neither judged nor placed. Judges will be available for comments and training suggestions at the end of the class time.

Rule change not passed.

Page 6 Section 2 Principal purposes

Rule currently reads: To set up rules for mule contests, races and exhibitions; and to standardize election and equipment of judges and directors or spokesmen for such functions.

Proposed Change of old rule or new rule to read:

To set up rules for mule contests, races and exhibitions, and to standardize election and equipment of judges and directors or spokesmen for such functions, and to provide for these rules to be changed and updated as often deemed necessary by special meeting of the board of directors. All rule changes or additions may go into effect immediately as deemed necessary or appropriate by the board of directors without waiting a two year time period for final rule book printing. All updates will be make available via the AMA website.

Please add into rule our copy only to still be printed every two years, judges to contact immediately. Rule change passed.

Existing Rule: Page #29 Section 16 judges A.1

Current rules reads: Judges are required to take any test chosen by the AMA to be eligible to judge AMA approved events. Judges will be retested periodically on current rules, genera knowledge of mules and donkeys, and judging practices. Judges carded with another credited association approved by Judge’s committee can forego testing upon yearly approval.

Proposed Change of old rule: Judges are required to carry a current judge’s card from any other equine national organization and must take and pass any test chosen by the AMA to be eligible to judge AMA approved events. Judges will be retested periodically on current rules, general knowledge of mules and donkeys and judging practices. Judges carded with another credited association approved by Judge’s Committee can forego testing upon yearly approval.

Rule change not passed.

Exiting Rule: Page #17 Article Vlll Section 1 Annual Membership Meeting

Current rule reads: There shall be an annual meeting of the Association membership during the month of January or February.

Proposed Change of old Rule or New Rule to Read:

There shall be an annual meeting of the Association membership during the 1st quarter of each year- between January 1 and March 31. Rule changed passed.

Rule 103: Existing rule reads: For mules of any age that have never been shown in a bridle at any show (horse or mule) or at any AMA recognized show.

Proposed change of old rule or new rule to read: For mules of any age that have never been shown at any show (horse or mule) or at any show that is sanctioned by an association, that allows for the qualification of any type of show or year end high point. Exception: a schooling show that does not qualify for any year end or show high point and is meant purely for practice.

This is tabled and will word this correctly and revamp the green section in the book.

AMA General Rules: Rule currently reads: Use of inhumane training techniques or methods such as striking the animal with a whip, crop, reins or any objects in front of the shoulder, and excessive striking with said objects behind the girth or the shoulder.

Proposed change of old rule or new rule to read: Use of inhumane training techniques or methods such as striking the animal with a whip, crop, reins or any objects in front of the shoulder, and excessive striking with said objects behind the girth or in the shoulder. Prohibited equipment includes the use of draw reins attached between or around the front legs.

Rule change not passed,

Existing Rule: Mulemanship Faults Page# 92 Section 246 Letter F

Rule currently reads: 5. Disqualifications a. Failure to wear correct number in visible manner. This is the only place in the rulebook that mentions exhibitors wearing back numbers.

Proposed change of old rule or new rule to read: 101 General show rules

  1. All exhibitors must enter the arena with the correct contestant number in a visible manner. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

    1. In riding classes, the number must be worn on the exhibitor’s back or on both sides of the saddle pad in combined classes or on one side of the pad in individual work classes.

    2. Drivers may attach the number to the cart or wagon or wear the number on their back.

    3. Exhibitors must wear the number on their back in halter. Showmanship, coon jumping, in hand classes and packing classed.

Rule change passed.

Existing rule: 61 Definition of an amateur

62 Definition of Professional Page# 38-39: Expand definition of amateur

Proposed change of old rule or new rule to read: 62. Definition of a professional

Occupations that do not affect amateur status. Add on page# 39: Employment by Dude Ranch, Guest Ranch, Pack Station or Racing Stable does not affect amateur status as long as employee does not train animals or give lessons. Exercising horses/mules or leading trail rides does not affect amateur status. When applying, if there is a question it may be reviewed by the AMA on a case by case basis.

Rule change passed.

Existing rule: Champion Youth Pages#31 & 196 Section 18 & 703

Rule currently reads: 5. Youth champion - Top 5 Youth competitors compete in 3 divisions with minimum of 5 points each for year end awards from approved shows.

Proposed change of old rule or new rule to read: Championship Youth

Pages 31 & 196 (Change is to make qualifying easier for youth to promote youth participation. For the last 2 years we have only had 1 qualifying youth each year.)

Youth Champion – Top 3 Youth competitors compete in 2 youth divisions with a minimum of 3 points each for year end awards from 3 approved shows. Qualifying your divisions: performance, gymkhana, driving, packing. To give a saddle away.

This rule change passed. This will be an emergency change and will be changed at this moment.

Existing rule: Championship points system and standings page#31 Section 18 letters A1, 2 Rule currently reads: 1. mule championship. 2. Donkey championship.

This would just be an addition. Proposed change: Championship Points System and Standings

Below 2. Donkey Championship, add 3. Amateur Championship. 4. Youth championship with definition from page 196. Addition is approved.

Elimination of packing rule for Non-pro packer after winning 2 buckles need to move up. To be changed that they may win as many buckles as they want and not to be moved up. Rule change passed.

Existing rule: Page# 40 Section 102 Letter A

Rule currently reads: This is an addition to Section 102 General Performance Rule Letter A 1. Western classes currently subheads: a, b & c I propose adding subhead d. see below

Proposed change of old rule or rule to read: d) First year bridle mules may show in “two rein equipment.” This is a legal shank bit over a rawhide or leather bosal/hackamore of any size with a non- metal flexible core (no iron or foreign substance maybe used). Only one hand may be used on the reins and hands must not be changed (exception for trail classes where it is required to complete a task). Any number of fingers between the reins will be permitted. Both mecate and bridle reins are to be held in the rein hand. Rule change passed.

Existing Rule: Page# 75 Section 240 Letter Additional rule D

Rule currently reads: 240 Cow Working Bridled and Green Sub heads A. B. & C. no change. I am proposing additional rule that would be sub head D.

D. At show management discretion a dry work pattern may be included in the Cow Working class. The dry work pattern can be any of the approved patterns for AMA reining or AMA ranch reining and will be scored and judged the same. When dry work pattern is included I the Cow Working class the combined scores of the Dry Work and the Cow Working will determine the overall winner of the class. Rule change passed.

This is not a proposal to change an existing rule but to add a new Division. This would be Reined Cow Mule Division and would include points from Cutting, Cow working and reining. Hopefully the Board will also approve allowing dry work pattern as part of cow working class as another change. Add Reined Cow Mule Division to include the following classes: Cutting, cow working, reining and cow boxing. Rule change passed.

Chris Lowrey to take over membership. He will get with Lou to get all the supplies.

Discussion about a division for Amateur Driving. Motion made to have Amateur Driving. This is passed. Also there is a Amateur Donkey division with all the walk/jog classes.

Meeting adjourned at 4:52pm

Jody LowreyComment